Groom curly hair in five minutes

Curly hair is a hairstyle that never goes out of fashion. Some have curly hair naturally, while some people especially try to get such hair. However, you should know about curly hair care. Unlike straight hair, it takes some extra effort to make curly hair look great. If you try on your curly hair, then you definitely want to know how to take care of it. You know that maintenance of curly hair is not as easy as straight hair. However, there are many tips that you can not only maintain good curly hair but also make it even better. So let us know some tips with which you can give a new style to your curly hair.
To apply oil
Curly hair needs more oil, as it has more dryness than straight hair. This is because the hair oil does not reach the end of the hair due to the hair being curled. Dry hair is much weaker and breaks more. You can use olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, and other natural hair oils.
Hair Pack
A variety of hair packs can also help you with curly hair care. Mayonnaise, egg, milk, yogurt, honey, and lemon are some hair packs that are effective as well as natural.

Shampoo your hair, because there are many twists and turns in the hair, the chances of dirt in the hair ring increases significantly. Due to this, hair starts appearing ugly. You can also adopt natural methods to clean your hair.
Conditioning is extremely important in the care of curly hair. You can buy a conditioner from the market or you can make it at home. Honey, egg, apple, vinegar, and tea are some of the best natural conditioners.

To comb
Use caution when choosing a comb for curly hair. Choose a wide-toothed comb as it will not get stuck in your hair rings. A thin-toed comb will not run smoothly on curly hair. Also, it will also damage the hair.
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